Special Feature from the “Space Zombies!” DVD to go live!
As a precursor to the “airing” of the 13 new Space Zombies-related episodes on YouTube (A Man of Great Importance Explores the Scary Changes, and Social Decline, and Secret Horrors of Our World, and He Doesn’t Like it One Bit), and to help celebrate the new Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem! DVD, we will be posting one of the special features from the DVD on YouTube and Facebook! Specifically, an interview with the Feline Stars of Space Zombies!
Check it out on our YouTube Channel, Facebook page, and the Space Zombies Facebook Page on Tuesday July 26th. Find out what it was like for the cat actors to perform in Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem!
Voices provided by: Kim Croscup, Dave Krstin, Jason Reilly and Kevin Risk. Interviews by Regan Macaulay.
Be sure to get your copy of the DVD, available in the Triple Take shop and HERE.
Frodo B. Macaulay-Risk and Prea L. Macaulay-Risk starred as Ju-Jube and Boo-Boo (or Rinny-Tin-Tinny) respectively.
Ripley appeared in Space Zombies! as well…he also provided Dr. Vic’s dubbed lines in the feline language track on the DVD.
Mr. Jones was in the movie and also provided dubbed lines for the feline language track on the DVD.