Check out the 21st Fringe of Toronto Festival

Check out the 21st Fringe of Toronto Festival

Remember to check out the 21st Fringe of Toronto Festival…some shows with current and former members of Triple Take include:

Because I Can by Allison McWood (It Was Kit, Shakespeare’s Brain) and produced by Daniel Staheli (It Was Kit)
Big Sexy by Stephen Kunc and the cast includes Stephen Flett (It Was Kit, Last Dance of the Dark Cloaked Avenger)
My Mother’s Lesbian Jewish-Wiccan Wedding by David Hein and Irene Carl, and the cast also includes Irene Carl (Without Whom)
Like Father, Like Son? Sorry, a one-man show written by and starring Chris Gibbs (Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem!)

Check out the Fringe site for times, dates, locations, and tickets.

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