Day 11 of my 13 Horrifically Silly Days of Halloween with my guests Lisa Ovies, director and Kevin Mosley, writer of “Puppet Killer” PART 1

Day 11 of my 13 Horrifically Silly Days of Halloween with my guests Lisa Ovies, director and Kevin Mosley, writer of “Puppet Killer” PART 1

Today (and tomorrow!) I have director Lisa Ovies and writer Kevin Mosley! They work together fairly often, but their most recent collaboration is the super fun and most excellent Puppet Killer!

Watch Part 1 of our chat below:

Part 2 of my interview with Lisa and Kevin is scheduled for tomorrow. In the meantime, you'll want to check out "Puppet Killer" as soon as possible!

Some stills from "Puppet Killer"

Check out Rogue Studios
Panic Fest
And my first interview with Lisa and Kevin in 2019, when “Puppet Killer” screened at the Blood in the Snow Festival:

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