Day 12 of my 13 Horrifically Silly Days of Halloween…actor Elizabeth Saunders, FROM
Regan Macaulay2022-10-30T21:03:42-04:00 By Regan Macaulay What's New Comments Off on Day 12 of my 13 Horrifically Silly Days of Halloween…actor Elizabeth Saunders, FROM

Elizabeth Saunders has been in TONS of awesome series and movies: Mary Kills People, Clarice, Disappearance at Clifton Hill, Orphan Black, The Strain, Murdoch Mysteries, Goosebumps, Forever Knight – you name it! But what you really want to see RIGHT JUST NOW, if you haven’t already is the series FROM. Her performance as Donna is brilliant, and my friend Scott McCord also turns in an excellent performance. You’ll see more of both of them, as well as the rest of the incredible ensemble cast in Season 2 next year! But while you’re waiting for that particular terror, check out my interview with the lovely Elizabeth Saunders…