Day 5 of the 12 Adoptable Pets of the Holiday Season…Lady Mittens is available through the Annex Cat Rescue!

Day 5 of the 12 Adoptable Pets of the Holiday Season…Lady Mittens is available through the Annex Cat Rescue!

Annex Cat Rescue is a 100% volunteer charity dedicated to addressing the plight of homeless cats in the Greater Toronto Area by:

  • Humanely trapping homeless kittens and abandoned or stray adult cats for placement in our foster and adoption program
  • Feeding and providing medical care for community cats in designated colonies
  • Curbing population growth in those colonies through trapping, spaying/neutering, and vaccinating
  • Educating the public on the compassionate treatment of homeless cats and responsible pet ownership
  • Improving urban environments through community cooperation

Annex Cat Rescue is a proud member of the Toronto Feral Cat TNR Coalition.

Lady Mittens is a lovely and shy little princess. She enjoys her personal space and a couple of times per day will come to you for brush sessions and booty pets. She will observe your daily routine from her shelf and will keep you company in the bathroom guarding you from unseen monsters. At night she loves to delight you with her beautiful voice by singing the song of her people in front of your bed. She is chatty, cooing like a cute pigeon. Lady Mittens is not food motivated but she absolutely loves to be brushed! She drools in complete bliss every time!
The little potato will sleep strategically around you, in your vicinity.

She is a former feral kitty. The first few weeks she felt most comfortable behind the toilet. She had amazing progress in the last 10-11 months, though she still is skittish and stays away from your path when she sees you walk around the house. Not a fan of playing with wands or with us, she has instead her catnip toys, mouse toy and random corks and balls that keep her busy. One of her favourite pastime is to watch birds and small animals videos on YouTube. From time to time, she has vivid dreams and wakes up crying – we calm her down by talking softly to her and petting her.

The little lady has impeccable litter habits and if provided with enough scratching surfaces, she won’t destroy anything that is not meant to be destroyed. She never hissed at us, bit us, swatted at us. We clean her ears and cut her claws, check her fur and eyes, teeth etc. She is a very very good girl. We noticed she likes a bit of noise around her, like people chatting or music etc. we had friends over and she was curious and friendly and very relaxed! We don’t know how she is with children and other animals.

Lady Mittens has a history of constipation for which she takes daily medication and special food. Lady Mittens needs someone that has experience with shy kitties and with administration of medicine, or someone that is willing and has the patience to learn.

She is an absolute lovely soul. And if you don’t mind to be loved from the distance, she is the perfect match for you. She will respond to you with a little pigeon purr when you call her. And will come and gently push her forehead in your knuckles for pets. We have this cute routine where we come at her window shelf and bow down our heads, she sniffs/kisses our forehead/heads and then bows her head down to receive kisses on her forehead. In the evenings, she calls us from the bed where she wants her fur to be brushed and yells at us if we don’t hurry. In the mornings if you oversleep and she hasn’t been fed, she will jump on the bed and give soft nudges and licks to your fingers until you wake up. She is a very gentle and mannered princess. Lady Mittens is also a petite lady weighing only around 3.5kg, so if one day she decides she wants to sleep on top of you, you won’t even feel her. She is so tiny and so absolutely adorable! Sometimes, we forget there is a kitty in the house because of her mild nature.

We want to give her the chance to find her forever home and her forever human soulmate/servant. We hope, with a perfect match, she will open up even more from her shell.

Lady Mittens has irritable bowel disease and is prone to constipation. To manage her condition, she requires daily medication including lactulose (stool softener) and cisapride (motility aid). Lady Mittens has a heart murmur, which has been determined to be benign and requires no treatment or follow-up. She is negative for FIV and feline leukemia, has been treated for fleas and parasites, and is up-to-date on vaccines. She does really well at the vet!

Visit Lady Mittens' Page to find out more!

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