Day of the Dead Bonus Blog for my 13 Horrifically Silly Days of Halloween series…with my guest author JF Garrard
Regan Macaulay2021-11-01T01:39:47-04:00 By Regan Macaulay What's New Comments Off on Day of the Dead Bonus Blog for my 13 Horrifically Silly Days of Halloween series…with my guest author JF Garrard

This year, like the past two, I’ve got a baker’s thirteen days for ya — a bonus Day of the Dead blog!
And once again, I’ve got the video divided into two parts…here’s Part One (please note there is some minor coarse language and a few images that may be disturbing to some viewers):
And here’s Part Two! …
You can find JF Garrard in the following online places...
Author website:
Artsy Raven podcast about writing and publishing:
Dark Helix Press:
Facebook author page:
Instagram, Twitter: @jfgarrard