Memories from Triple Take past…Andrew Dundass

Memories from Triple Take past…Andrew Dundass

Today, in the lead up to Triple Take’s 25th anniversary, we present a memory from Last Dance of the Dark Cloaked Avenger cast member Andrew Dundass…

Andrew:  Dark Cloaked Avenger is a personal fave, as I loved 30s radio. Most enduring memory is when the singers didn’t come on and we had to improvise! It was such a lovely group of people, and the design was so very, very good. Plus I got to use my plummy jerk voice!

(Conor O’Hegarty, Kathryn Malek and Claire Acott in a scene from Dark Cloaked Avenger)

Thank you, Andrew, for your very bass voice work in Last Dance of the Dark Cloaked Avenger, and for your reading performance skills in plays yet to be produced, such as Horror at Terror Creek!

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