Mixter Twizzle’s Breakfast … a short film
A Roger Corman Quarantine Film Festival 2020 short film
Written by: Regan W. H. Macaulay
Mixter Twizzle is a most mischievous monster…and puppets can be surprisingly creepy! Regan makes several attempts at reading her picture storybook to her online audience, only to be interrupted by the puppet version of her book’s main character, who creeps ever closer and closer…
This is not for kids, unlike the picture story book by the same name.
- Regan W. H. Macaulay
Directed by:
- Regan Macaulay
Shot by:
- Kevin Risk & Regan Macaulay
- Regan Macaulay
- Raxl Desmond Macaulay-Risk
- Kevin Risk as the voice of Mixter
- A crazy looking puppet called Mixter
Special Thanks:
- The residents and board of MTCC 573
- Justine Alley Dowsett, for making the puppet!
- Mirror World Publishing, the publisher of the picture book, Mixter Twizzle’s Breakfast
- Roger Corman, for the 2020 Corman Quarantine Challenge Film Festival
- April 2020