Where are the Birds?
Only the young and the strong have survived the Armageddon caused by our shortsightedness. However, they cannot survive the corruption that results from being human.
Produced for the Fringe of Toronto Festival, July 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, and 12, 1996
Written by:
- Regan W. H. Macaulay
Directed by:
- Regan Macaulay
Stage Managed by:
- Jason Law
- Shina Ahmad
- Erin Allaby
- In-Surp Choi
- Simone Cordice
- Kim Croscup
- Jeff Hannaford
- Todd Harris
- Kieran Justason
- Gord Leitch
- Judy Singh
- Produced at the 1996 Fringe of Toronto Festival.