Publishing and Licensing
Our Licensing and publishing

Looking for a unique play to produce? Perhaps some Cancon? Look no further!
You can set up a licensing agreement with us to produce one of our plays (either written by a member or members of Triple Take Productions and/or previously produced by the company).
Generally, professional performances fees are $100 advance, and 7% of the box office or $25/performance – whichever is more. For amateur productions, the fees are $75 advance, and 5% of the box office or $19/performance – whichever is more. Royalties go up if the performance is extended. You must buy our authorized scripts, available through
Email us at with the information in the right column, and we’ll get back to you with a quote and to negotiate a contract based on the production (amateur or professional), number of performances (including any rehearsals with audience), number of seats in your venue, and your general admission price. If you agree, we will follow up with an Agreement and Paypal payment information (for advance payment only). Future payments (royalties) must be made by cheque or money order after the completion of each performance week.
Email us the following info:
- Which play would you like to license?
- Will this be a professional production, or an amateur production (includes private performances, public readings, and charitable performances)? This will affect the royalty percentage (of box office ticket sales).
- What is your theatre/production company name and address? Where will the performances be produced (if different from theatre/production company)?
- How many performances do you intend to produce? Remember, rehearsals before an audience count towards the number of performances.
- What are the proposed performance dates and times?
- How many seats in your production venue?
- What are you charging for general admission?
- There are a number of reasons you may wish to videotape one or more of your performances: as a record for your production company, personal copies for cast and/or crew, educational purposes, etc.
- If you wish to record the production, a video license fee of $25.00 will be incurred PER COPY, and you will need to sign a video license agreement.
- Please note that you may not make a video recording of performances for the purpose of public screening, and you may not upload the full recording to the Internet. For the purposes of promotion, short clips may be uploaded to the to your production site, YouTube, etc., with our express permission. Short clips may also be used for other typical promotional and current affairs purposes. Contact us for details and to see the contract.
- If a broadcaster wishes to air your video recording of the production, in whole or in part (including, but not limited to, satelite, cable, VOD), contact us ahead of time to negotiate an agreement. Royalty fees per broadcast will apply.
- A fee of $150.00 every time the performance is aired (live or recorded) applies. Purchase scripts through and contact us with details at least a month before broadcast to negotiate an agreement.
Paperbacks Available For Purchase
Other Paperbacks Available from Triple Take for purchase (but not for licensing)

The novelization of the play by Regan W. H. Macaulay with music by Scott McCord is available through Lulu and Amazon!
BOOK 3 of the Trilogy of Horrifically Half-Baked Ham: Horror at Terror Creek is a novella based on the play by the same name. Grad student Fanny Punn is studying an antiquated town called Terror Creek. She hopes to unearth the reasons why all surrounding villages have failed over the centuries, while Terror Creek thrives. At the Athame Inn in the centre of town, Fanny meets a peculiar cast of characters. The innkeeper, Ligeia, is also a Satanic High Priestess. Dr. Audley Salmon is the resident mad scientist toiling in his mysterious lab in the basement. The inn’s maid is mute and its bellboy speaks like a poor man’s Poe. It is here, among this motley coven of curious eccentrics, that Fanny stumbles onto a series of startling secrets, sealing not only her fate, but the fate of her friends…forevermore.

The novelization of the feature film screenplay by Regan T. M. Pazuzu and Kevin Risk is available through Lulu and Amazon!
WARNING: Mature content, coarse language, comic sexual scenes and gore.
BOOK 2 of the Trilogy of Horrifically Half-Baked Ham: Are you looking for a hilariously gory and inappropriately explicit tale involving a man and the obsessively tidy woman he loves, his army of beloved (and talking) animal friends, a sexually timid and immature comic book shop owner, his zombie-crazed psychiatrist and a grotesque strain of mutated vampires wantonly attacking the unsuspecting citizens of Toronto? How oddly specific of you—but you’re in luck! Join Robert Spavor as he wages war against these silly vampires to save the body and soul of the woman he loves in one of the goriest, most blood-stained, vulgar and ridiculous epic battles ever!

The novelette-ization of Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem! by Regan W. H. Macaulay, Space Zombies!, is available through Lulu and Amazon!
Book 1 of the Trilogy of Horrifically Half-Baked Ham: The novelette based on the feature film “Space Zombies: 13 Months of BrainSpinning Mayhem!” by Kevin Risk and Regan W. H. Macaulay, now available on iTunes (under ‘horror’). Even the sanest and kindest of men goes mad. But what is it that drives him to insanity? Zombies from space seeking human brains for snacks? Human-to-cat, cat-to-human thought essence switches? Monster toad-beasts or starfish mutations? Dueling heads? What you are about to read is a description of the circumstances under which one man, veterinarian Dr. Vic McNaughton, goes horribly, horribly, and almost irretrievably insane.

The first reading of this feature film script (un-produced) was performed September 29th, 2002 at Hart House, University of Toronto. The second reading was performed in February of 2003, also at Hart House. The third reading performed at the LIFT OUTLOUD script-reading series in May 2005. Honourable Mention Award (22nd of 100) for the 73rd Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competition for the script and Honourable Mention on “The Bastards Have Landed” (Peter Jackson’s Official Fan Site) for a short film version of the script.
Written by: Regan T. M. Pazuzu and Kevin Risk
Second Reading Cast: Frank Cairns, Rob Downes, Erin Gooderham, Dave Krstin, Sandra Krstin, Andrea Lyons, Regan Macaulay, Albert Masters, Kelsey Matheson, Conor McCreery, Kyle McKeown, Renata Rampersaud, Jason Reilly, Kevin Risk, Darcy Windover, Richard Wing
Synopsis: It is a dark, dank, odorous evening – a storm rages outside a gloomy Gothic mansion. Inside, a man much like Vincent Price (without the cuddly demeanor) sits in a large leather swivel chair, smoking a pewter crack pipe. He is our host, Vincent Von Suckles, and under his guidance the gruesome tale unfolds.
A mutated vampire with extraordinary and extremely unnatural thirsts rises from his grave. One of his victims is a tidy, obsessive-compulsive named Nicole Ridley, who is later found “dying” by her enraptured, animal-loving fiancé, Robert Spavor. Sadly, not understanding the nature of the attack on his girlfriend, Robert and his animals struggle in vain to save her. A broken man, he stumbles off to a bar intending to drown his overwhelming sorrows. Meanwhile, the city is being terrorized by the wantonly vicious attacks of the newly-born vampire Nicole. Her lurid escapades soon attract the attention of the Head Vampire himself. And it is not long before this same lusty, disgusting behaviour is drawn to the attention of her ex-lover, who then realizes the intense gravity of the situation.
Will Robert’s love for Nicole triumph over death? He will make it so, or die trying! He enlists the help of his troubled, childish friend Terry and together they wage a war against these new grotesque vampire mutations that culminates in the silliest, most vulgar, blood-stained, gory epic battle ever created!

Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem! (the movie script) - AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE BUT NOT TO LICENSE...this puppy has already been produced!
This feature film is also available as three short films. The three shorts are entitled Space Zombies: Terror from the Sky!, Space Zombies II: Monsters Unleashed, Unabridged, and Unplugged!, and Space Zombies III: The Incredible Duel-Headed Cat Freak!. Co-written by Regan W. H. Macaulay & Kevin Risk.
Forward: Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem! is a feature film shot on digital video that pays homage to B-Movies of the 50s, 60s and 70s – in particular the films of Edward D. Wood Jr. Though unintentional, the idiosyncrasies and errors that go into these ‘terrible’ but endearing and highly enjoyable films have created a style and a cult following. It was the filmmakers’ desire to delve deeper into this style through the making of a parody film that emulates B-Movies down to the last detail, but within a modern context, as if created today. The result is a hilarious film study, both entertaining and enlightening. There is a definite art to creating something ‘bad’, particularly if you are doing it on purpose!
Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem! is the culmination of a trilogy of short films: Space Zombies: Terror from the Sky!, Space Zombies II: Monsters Unleashed, Unabridged and Unplugged! and Space Zombies III: The Incredible Duel-Headed Cat Freak! The feature aired on SPACE: The Imagination Station and Drive-In Classics in Canada between 2004 and 2007. The first episode appeared separately on SPACE, Drive-In Classics, and SCREAM between 2003 and 2006.
Synopsis: Even the sanest and kindest of men goes mad. But what is it that drives him to insanity? What you are about to read is a description of the circumstances under which one man, Veterinarian Dr. Vic McNaughton, goes horribly, horribly, and irretrievably mad…is it the aliens seeking human brains for snacks? Zombies seeking to switch their brains with the brains of cats? Monster toad beasts? Starfish mutations? Dr. Vic and his staff experience all of these adventures, but it is the Space Zombies’ experiments switching the thought essences of Dr. Vic’s wife Betsy with those of his beloved cat Ju-Jube that eventually push him over the edge. His solution is obvious – his wife and darling pet must be combined, but first he must test his theories on some other unsuspecting humans and cats. What results is a truly terrifying travesty – a duel-headed cat freak that defies his master and embarks on a frightening rampage. It is only through this cataclysmic event, along with the prodding of Vic’s staff and his friends, including the very Space Zombies who helped him create the two-headed creature in the first place, that finally snaps Vic out of his maniacal trance, and he begins to see the light. Only when things are put right again – when minds and bodies are matched, does Dr. Vic’s world simmer to a sane temperature again.
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