Regan Macaulay an Associate Producer for Darkstone Entertainment’s “Plan 9!”
Regan Macaulay, Producer, Director, and Writer for Triple Take Productions, has invested in the re-make of Edward D. Wood Jr.’s Plan 9 from Outer Space entitled Plan 9.
April 25th, 2011, production wrapped on Plan 9. The cast includes Brian Krause (Sleepwalkers, and Charmed) and Matthew Ewald (the Fox Series Galidor, and many other sci-fi channel films). As well, another Horror Icon will be cast and shot for the film!
Also included in the cast are YouTube celebrities James Rolfe, Caitlin Hill, and Matt Sloan & Aaron Yonda.
Check out the live feed from the set and daily pics from the tumblr site. Download screen shots from the film (like the ones below) here and see the original teaser trailer at
Check back with us for news about this up-coming film and for more information, contact Darkstone Entertainment at!