Space Zombies! novelette eBook



Written by Regan W. H. Macaulay

The novelette based on the feature film Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem! by Kevin Risk and Regan W. H. Macaulay, now available on iTunes (under ‘horror’). Even the sanest and kindest of men goes mad. But what is it that drives him to insanity? What you are about to read is a description of the circumstances under which one man, veterinarian Dr. Vic McNaughton, goes horribly, horribly, and almost irretrievably mad…is it due to the aliens seeking human brains for snacks? Zombies seeking to switch their brains with the brains of cats? Monster toad beasts? Starfish mutations? Dr. Vic and his staff experience all of these adventures, but it is the Space Zombies’ experiments switching the thought essences of Dr. Vic’s wife Betsy with those of his beloved cat Ju-Jube that eventually push him over the edge.

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